Who We Are

Westminster is a worshipping community deeply committed to study, service, and sharing God’s love.Westminster Presbyterian Church Mission Statement

The initial meeting to organize Westminster Presbyterian Church was held December 3, 1939 with the Rev. Frederick Haverkamp and 15 people attending. Formally organized in December 1940 with 38 charter members, the first building on Cameron Mills Road opened in 1942. In 1952, the current sanctuary was constructed to accommodate the growing congregation; the cornerstone for that building was laid by then-President Harry S. Truman.

In 2015, we celebrated our 75th anniversary. With around a thousand members, we actively seek to joyfully commit ourselves to build and nurture a worship-centered church to the glory of God. In vibrant corporate worship, we hear the Word of God proclaimed in sermon and celebrated in song and sacrament. We are called through prayer, education, fellowship and mission to uphold one another, to grow in faith and Christian love, and to serve God faithfully in our community, in our nation’s capital, and throughout the world. 

We welcome to Westminster all who seek to discover the significance and meaning of Jesus Christ in their lives.


Westminster is blessed with the leadership of our clergy, staff, and lay leaders on our church's boards--our elders, deacons, trustees, and members of the Westminster Foundation Board. Learn more about our leaders:

Pastors and Staff

Church Boards


Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
Visit the PCUSA website for worship, education and mission resources and information; to find out about other congregations; or to learn about conference or retreat opportunities.

PCUSA Constitution
Book of Order 2019-2021
Book of Confessions

National Capital Presbytery
Visit the Presbytery website for information on Presbytery meetings, resources for our local churches and events happening in other churches in the metropolitan area.

Reformed Institute of Metropolitan Washington
The Reformed Institute was created by a group of area Presbyterian Churches (including Westminster) to promote understanding and deepen appreciation of the Reformed tradition among the staffs and members of Presbyterian Churches. Visit the website to get information on the Reformed tradition of which we are a part and on the many educational opportunities provided by the Institute throughout the year.