Westminster offers childcare and education opportunities for all children on Sunday mornings, from infants through fifth grade. Our rooms are led by paid staff and dedicated parent volunteers. All staff and volunteers serve under our Child Protection Policy. For more information, contact the Director of Children’s Ministries, Patty Chamberlain.
Childcare for Infants and Pre-Kindergarten Children
Babies, toddlers, and preschoolers are cared for by our dedicated paid staff from 8:30 AM to 12:00 PM on Sundays during both church services, as well as during the education hour. During the summer schedule (Memorial Day – Labor Day), childcare is available from 10:00 – 11:00 AM.
“Whole Family” Children’s Formation
We give families the opportunity to learn and grow TOGETHER. Moms, Dads, Grandparents, siblings (of any age), and more are invited to learn God’s story together on Sunday mornings. Whole Family prepares families for learning and understanding the Biblical story that will be focused on for the rest of the month.
During the 11:00 AM service, kindergartners and first graders are invited to a special time for children & worship. Every week following the children’s sermon, kindergartners and first graders are led to the Children’s Formation rooms for a time of storytelling, projects, and fellowship.