
Monday, September 9, 2024

Seniors Fall Kickoff and Ice Cream Bash

2 PM in Haverkamp Room
Please join us as we celebrate seniors here at Westminster. Enjoy fellowship and fun as we gather together to enjoy sweets, games, and one another. During our gathering, Christine Hershey, Director of Seniors Ministry, will also share information about some new programs for our Seniors! No RSVP needed.

Friday, August 30, 2024

Little Theatre of Alexandria

8:00 PM | Arrive at 7:30 PM to receive your ticket
Seniors are invited to a preview rehearsal of The Explorers Club. Please reserve your ticket below.

Reserve your ticket

Groups and Series

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Seniors Transitions Peer Groups

Join Christine and Betsy Preston for a safe place to share feelings, thoughts and emotions for caregiving and aging and housing transitions. This group will meet monthly; feel free to join at any time. This group is open to all ages.

First meeting: Saturday, September 14, 2024 at 11:00 AM in Haverkamp Room.

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Seniors Advisory Group

This group will meet quarterly to brainstorm and share ideas around senior care and needs. Please come if you are interested! Haverkamp Room. This group is open to all ages.

First meeting: Sunday, September 15, 2024 at 12:30 PM in Haverkamp Room.

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Dancing Stars Grief Group

Grief is a time of topsy-turvy transition. It's a time of remembrance, healing and sadness, as well as joy, laughter and sacredness. Join Christine as we discover together a new dance and learn new moves as we reach toward the stars to view life through a new lens during this season. These groups will meet monthly on Mondays in the morning and evening for one hour; choose whichever time is best. This group is open to all ages.

First Meeting: Monday, October 7, 2024 at 11:00 AM or 6:30 PM in Haverkamp Room.

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Aging with Grace and Grit Series

Join us as we learn, grow and laugh together as we continue our journey into exploring what it looks like to age with Grace and Grit. Our time together will be interactive and communal, with Christine and others leading these hour-long sessions on family, grace, balance, grit, self-care, and gratitude. Six-week series. 

First Meeting: Thursday, October 10, 2024 at 11:00 AM in Haverkamp Room.

Recording Now Available

Time to Transition

Thank you so much to those who were able to attend the Time to Transition event exploring aging in place or moving to long term care for seniors and caregivers. A recording of the event is now available.

As mentioned at the event, Senior Transitions Peer Groups are being developed to provide the opportunity to share experiences and give support to one another around this topic. It will be a space for holding thoughts and feelings in a transparent and accepting way. Please contact Christine Hershey with questions or if you are interested in participating.

Programs and Events for senior adults, 60s and above. Led by Christine Hershey, Director of Seniors Ministry.
Contact Christine