Committee on Return and Renewal
Response to Covid-19
January 19, 2023: Masking Optional
For previous updates, see here.
Current COVID levels for Alexandria are Medium, therefore masking at WPC is optional. We respect each individual's choice.
What is the Return and Renewal Committee?
The nature of the current public health crisis poses significant barriers to returning to worship at Westminster as we knew it in February 2020. Nearly every aspect of our Sunday worship experience is challenged by public health guidelines intended to reduce transmission of the COVID-19 virus. The timing and manner of a return to Sunday worship in the sanctuary therefore needs to be considered carefully and deliberately, based on the best available information and guidance from medical professionals, government agencies and others, and in a public health environment that continues to evolve.
On May 27, 2020, the Session approved the creation of the Committee on Return and Renewal, which will monitor and assess relevant information and recommend to the Session plans for a gradual or complete return to the facilities of Westminster, as well as the resumption of ministries and programs that occur beyond our facilities. In addition to recommending long-term plans, the committee may need to receive and advise the Session on shorter-term, specific requests as they arise.
When the people of Israel “returned” to the land after the exile, they renewed the covenant and shaped their worship and service to God in ways that were different than before, but reimagined and reborn (Nehemiah 8-10). The committee has been intentionally named “Return and Renewal” (as opposed to “Re-open”) out of recognition of the tremendous degree to which the ministry of Westminster has remained open – much of it digitally – through this time of pandemic, and out of acknowledgment that when we are able to return to the facilities, many of our ministries will have changed or need to be changed.
Members of the Committee have been appointed by the Session upon recommendation of Pastor Larry Hayward, who serves as the primary staff for the committee along with the Director of Finance and Administration, Lavinia Davis-Laux. Contact the committee at
Doug Anderson – Vice Chair
Vice Clerk, Session
Lauren Beyea
Chair, Worship Committee
Alex Bryant
Chair, Digital Ministries Committee
Marcy Crisler
Member at-large, Nominating Committee
Randy Davis
Chair, Westminster Foundation Board
Mike Donley – Chair
Chair, International Mission Committee
Sarah Hoffman
Former Chair, Christian Formation Committee
Jill McClure
Vice Chair, Buildings & Grounds Committee
Debbie McCormack
Member, Youth Formation Subcommittee
Jim Muyskens
Member, Session
Cindy Smith
Chair, Congregational Life Committee