Welcome to Westminster
We're so glad you're here! We think Westminster is a terrific congregation--open, thoughtful, and energetic. Our congregation comprises over one thousand members, yet we are a close-knit community--committed to getting to know our members and visitors. As a church, we strive to nurture everyone who comes to us in a way that fits they whom God has made —and Christ has redeemed—to be. In all that we do, we seek to “worship well.”
If you are exploring faith for the first time, seeking to reconnect with your faith, or searching for a church home and would like to learn more about Westminster, feel free to reach out to us by phone or email—we would love to have a conversation with you! If you visit in worship, please introduce yourself. We look forward to meeting you.
Larry Hayward, Pastor
Patrick Hunnicutt, Associate Pastor (Mission & Pastoral Care)
Jacob Bolton, Associate Pastor (Christian Formation)
Olivia Patterson, Associate Pastor (Youth & Young Adults)
Who We Are
At Westminster, we actively seek to joyfully commit ourselves to build and nurture a worship-centered church to the glory of God. We welcome all who seek to discover the significance and meaning of Jesus Christ in their lives. Learn more about who we are, our history, and our leadership. Join us for a New Member Class to learn more about Presbyterianism and our church.
Sunday Mornings
On Sunday mornings, we gather together for worship, Christian formation, and fellowship. We invite you to join us in-person or to worship with us online.
Worship Services
Sunday after Labor Day-Sunday before Memorial Day
Worship at 8:30 AM & 11:00 AM
Memorial Day-Labor Day (Summer Schedule)
Worship at 10:00 AM
Our services follow a four-fold pattern that guides us in worship together: the Gathering, where we come together as a people in preparation for worship; the Word, where we listen for God to speak to us through scripture, song, and preaching; the Response to the Word, where we affirm our faith and pray together; and the Sending, where we receive God’s blessing and are encouraged to continue our worship as we leave. Each service includes congregational singing of hymns accompanied by the organ. Once a month, we celebrate the sacrament of communion (the Lord’s Supper). All are welcome to receive communion, and gluten-free wafers are available.
The 8:30 AM service is held in the chapel, our smaller worship space. After the service, all are invited to gather for coffee and conversation next door in the Johnson Parlor.
The 11:00 AM service and our summer service are held in the sanctuary, our larger worship space. This service is also livestreamed for online worship. This service is led musically each week by the Westminster Choir, as well as occasional handbell ringing groups, children’s choirs, or soloists. This service also includes a weekly children’s sermon, after which kindergartners and first graders are invited to a special time for Children & Worship for the rest of the service. After the service, all are invited to gather for coffee and conversation downstairs in the Fellowship Hall or outside in the Blomberg Courtyard when the weather is nice!
Childcare for infants and pre-kindergarten children is available during all Sunday services and during education hour in the education wing classrooms. The education wing is located on the main floor (second floor), in the hallway to the right as you enter the church through the double glass doors in the parking lot. Our nursery and childcare rooms are each staffed by a permanent childcare worker and rotating parent volunteers, all of whom operate under our Child Protection Policy.
Christian Formation
We are located at the corner of Cameron Mills Road and Monticello Boulevard in the North Ridge area of Alexandria, Virginia. Westminster is a short drive south from the Quaker Lane exit on I-395 and north from Old Town Alexandria. The parking lot is behind the sanctuary with entrances on Monticello Boulevard. Be sure to look for our “first time visitor” parking spaces on the first row! Both the chapel and sanctuary can be reached through the glass double doors at the education wing entrance off the parking lot, or by their doors on Cameron Mills Road.
Westminster is an accessible facility, with an elevator located just inside the education wing entrance off of the parking lot, to the right of the glass double doors. The elevator reaches all four floors of the building; the sanctuary and the chapel are on the second floor (which is the main floor). Accessible parking is located in the first row of the parking lot, with extra spaces designated for Sunday use.
Large print worship bulletins are available from an usher at both the 8:30 AM and 11:00 AM services, as are hearing aid assistance devices during the 11:00 AM service.