
Nurturing and expressing our faith through music is an integral part of our spiritual life at Westminster.

Westminster Presents

Advent Lessons and Carols

Sunday, December 8, 2024
11:00 AM in the Sanctuary & online (Prelude begins at 10:45 AM)

A special service led by choirs of adults, youth, children, and handbells. The 8:30 AM service in the Chapel is the traditional service at that time with Rev. Dr. Jacob Bolton, preaching.

Westminster Presents

Remembrance Sunday Recording

Sunday, November 10, 2024

The Westminster Choir was joined by the Monticello Chamber Orchestra as we offer the East Coast premiere of Kim André Arnesen’s Requiem for Solace.

Music at Westminster

A choir, brass, and their conductor rehearse.

Westminster Presents

In addition to our regular choirs’ and ensembles' offerings on Sunday mornings, we dedicate a few special Sundays each year to showcase the substantial gifts of our own musicians and provide a space for guest musicians.
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Recordings of previous services and concerts are available on YouTube.
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A choir, string orchestra, and their conductor.

Monthly Music List

Want to know what hymns, anthems, choral or instrumental pieces are planned for worship this month? Check out the list below.

Music List
Choral Evensong

Choral Evensong

Our youth Choristers and Chamber Choir offer a service of choral evensong for the feasts of Michaelmas and Candlemas. The music and prayers join together so that our senses, intellects, hearts, and minds work together to give us a glimpse of God's glory.
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Adult Ensembles

A choir rehearsal

Westminster Choir

Our volunteer chancel choir leads Sunday morning worship music weekly for the 11:00 AM service, and some services in the summer.

Rehearsals: Thursdays, 7:30-9:00 PM

Chamber Choir

Selected singers from the Westminster Choir join our young Choristers for Choral Evensong and other occasional events.

Rehearsals are called as needed.

Handbells laying on a blue tablecloth

Westminster Ringers

An advanced group of adult handbell players (5 octaves Schulmerich). Plays at the 11:00 AM Sunday worship service 6 times a year. Currently our roster is full, but there is always a need for experienced ringers able to ‘sub in’ for ringers who must be absent for a rehearsal.

Rehearsals: Thursdays, 6:30–7:30 PM

Celtic Cross Ringers

This intergenerational handbell choir is for new and learning ringers, adults and students in grade 6 or higher. Previous experience not required!

Rehearsals: Sundays, 9:00AM-10:00AM

A string quartet plays outside on the lawn.

Monticello Strings

Led by Music Ministries Director Ben Hutchens, Westminster members share their talent and passion for music in worship and special events. 

Rehearsals are called as needed.

Play an Instrument?

Solo instrumentalists and small ensembles often bring music to our worship and other events. If you are interested in sharing your talent with the congregation, please be in touch with Ben.

Westminster Music Academy

The children's choir sings on the steps of the chancel.

WWP Music Club

Through Westminster Weekday Preschool young singers enjoy music games, stories, instruments and very basic musicianship in a fun, familiar space. Space is limited.

Pre-K & Elementary

Pre-K and Grades K-5 learn vocal and choral skills through singing songs that teach faith concepts and the story of God’s people. Our young singers bring their music to Sunday worship about once a month, fostering their development as worship leaders. Grades are grouped Ages 4&5 (Cherub Choir), K-2nd (Genesis Choir) and 3rd-5th (Covenant Choir).

Rehearsals: Wednesdays, 5:30-6:00 PM (Pre-K); 5:15-6:00 PM (K-2); 5:30-6:15 PM (3-5)
Family-friendly meal available for singers and their families for a small fee.

Teenage choristers and their conductor singing in the choir loft.

Westminster Choristers

Students in grades 6-12 learn music that challenges and inspires young singers, and helps develop their vocal skills. This ensemble sings with the adult Westminster Choir frequently and travels each year on a concert tour.

Rehearsals: Wednesdays, 7:00-8:00 PM, Choir Room
Family-friendly meal available for singers and their families for a small fee.


If your child is new to music at Westminster, please register below.
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A teenage handbell choir

Chime Choir

Grades 3-5 have the opportunity to learn to ring hand chimes! This class is student led by one of our older youth who is an accomplished ringer, and is a great introduction to ringing English handbells.

Rehearsals: Wednesdays, 6:35-7:00 PM, Brides Room (off Fellowship Hall)
Family-friendly meal available for ringers and their families for a small fee.

Jubilate Bells

Young teens (Grades 6-12) develop Handbell ringing skills, an "ensemble sport!"

Rehearsals: Wednesdays, 6:15-7:00 PM, Sanctuary
Family-friendly meal available for ringers and their families for a small fee.

Consider becoming a member of the Westminster musical family! If you are interested in any of the above opportunities, please contact Dr. Ben Hutchens.

Dr. Benjamin Hutchens, Director of Music Ministries
Yeri So, Assistant Director of Music Ministries
Molly Roden, Assistant for Children's Music
Heather West, Assistant for Children's Music
Elizabeth Kluegel, Assistant for Children's Music
Steven Holton, Assistant for Youth Handbells
Christine Hagan, Accompanist