Westminster is a welcoming church with a number of places for each person to connect with the faith community. For some, connection may be a quiet affair, with participation in Sunday worship, the prayer chain, or other “low-key” elements of church life. Other members may be looking for service within the church, or outreach to the community working alongside other church members. Whatever your particular expression of faith, we hope you will find Westminster a place where you will deepen your faith, grow in relationship, and find gladness as you continue your walk with God.
New Member Class
We know that joining a church is an important decision. We welcome you to visit Westminster for services, classes, or activities as a visitor or friend as often as you like. If you are interested in learning more about membership, please attend one of our New Member Classes, which are generally offered on first Tuesday evenings. These classes are an opportunity to learn about Westminster -- the Presbyterian faith, our worship, and our activities and events -- and to consider whether Westminster is the right fit for your spiritual journey at this time of your life. Classes are held in the Johnson Parlor, which is on the second (main) floor of the building, near the chapel. Elevator access is available from the lower lobby off the parking lot.
Joining Westminster as a Member or Affiliate Member
After attending the New Member class, if you wish to unite with the congregation of Westminster, you will be asked to complete the New Member Information Form. (The form is fillable; download first to fill out, or print and fill out.)
You and other prospective new members will then meet briefly with the Session on a Sunday morning before worship, usually the third Sunday of the month. During the worship service that follows, you will stand before the congregation to be received into membership.
During the school year, you'll meet with Session just prior to the 11:00 AM worship service; during the summer, you'll meet just prior to the 10:00 AM service.
Connect with Us
We look forward to getting to know you in our time together! For more information about membership, please contact our New Member Committee, led by Elders Kristin Stephen and Dave Gunter, or contact pastor Larry Hayward.