Life Events
Baptism of Infants and Children
Baptism is one of the two sacraments in the Presbyterian Church. The purpose of baptism is twofold. First, it is the child’s publicly being received into the family of God and claimed as a child of God. Secondly, it is the parents’ and the congregation's opportunity to make vows promising to nurture the child in the Christian faith and see that he or she has the chance to come to know, love, and serve Jesus Christ.
Ordinarily, we require at least one parent to be an active member in good standing at Westminster Presbyterian Church. While there are some exceptions, we strongly urge a family to unite with a congregation where they live as part of their faith commitment to the sacrament of baptism for their child.
If you are interested in having your child baptized at Westminster, please contact Jessica Thurnes.
The wedding service is an act of worship, and as such is under the direction of one of the Westminster pastors. Wedding services are normally scheduled for members of Westminster and for children of members. A Westminster pastor at his or her discretion may conduct a wedding at Westminster for a non-member couple who desires to be married in a church, particularly if one of the parties is a member of another church or is seeking a church home in this area.
All couples must meet with a pastor for at least one session of premarital counseling. When you meet with the pastor, he/she will seek to get to know you, discuss your plans for the service, and explore options for longer-term premarital counseling.
If you are interested in being married at Westminster, please contact Tara Cain.
Memorial Services
A funeral or memorial service in the Presbyterian Church is understood to be a "Witness to the Resurrection":
In Baptism each Christian shares in Christ’s dying and rising, and receives the promise of eternal and abundant life in him. We understand the Christian funeral to be the completion of Baptism. In the face of death, we affirm with tears and joy the good news of the gospel and the hope of the resurrection. We do not grieve in isolation, but are sustained by the power of the Holy Spirit and the community of faith. - Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Book of Order
The church office should be notified as soon as possible following the death of a Westminster member or their immediate family member. A pastor will provide support for you and your family in your time of grief and loss and assist in making arrangements for the service. Services may be held in the Chapel or the Sanctuary.
To arrange a memorial service at Westminster or for more information, please contact Tara Cain.
Many memorial services at Westminster are livestreamed online. To attend a memorial service online or to watch a recording of a memorial service at Westminster, please click below.