The session is the governing body of Westminster and is comprised of elders nominated and elected by the congregation from our membership. Elders have responsibility for the governance and ministry of Westminster, being charged to work to strengthen and nurture the faith and life of the congregation. Elders serve on the Committees of the Session, each of which are focused on a different area in the life of Westminster.
The deacons support the pastoral staff in ministering to members and are nominated and elected by the congregation from our membership. Pastoral care provides Christian support to members of our congregation who are ill, grieving, or facing other life crises, as well as those who may no longer be physically able to attend church regularly or participate actively in church activities.
Foundation Board
The Westminster Foundation was established in 1999, building on and expanding the scope of the original Westminster Endowment Fund which had been established in 1976. The responsibility of the Foundation now includes all gifts and bequests to WPC, whether limited to endowment or not, whether restricted or non-restricted, under the name of Westminster Foundation. The Fund provides a means through which members and friends of Westminster may contribute to the life and work of the church in a way that differs from normal pledge contributions and loose offerings. Foundation Board members are approved by the session and serve three year terms.
There are three members who serve as the Trustees of Westminster Presbyterian Church of Alexandria, Inc. The primary purpose of the corporation is the ownership of the church property, which is held in trust for the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). Each trustee is elected by the congregation for a three-year term. The currently serving Trustees are Ian Hoffman, Yvonne Folkerts, and Melissa McClellan.
Nominating Committee
A Nominating Committee is elected annually by the congregation for the purpose of nominating candidates for elder, deacon and trustee. Four members are elected by the congregation to serve on this committee, two additional members are appointed by the Session and one additional member is appointed by the Diaconate.
2023 Nominating Committee
Donald Gordon (Chair), Anne Ledyard (Vice Chair), Matt Bowman (Deacon Representative), Jenny Graves, Rob Winn, Kirstin O’Connor, David Touhey.
Recommend a Member to Serve
The Nominating Committee is always looking for a few good members who have the gifts of heart, mind and spiritual wisdom to serve as elders, deacons, trustees, and on the Nominating Committee of our church. We seek men and women of strong faith and conviction, joyful hearts, initiative, spiritual maturity, loving concern for others, and who are willing to take an active, informed leadership role in the life of our church so that their love of Christ, their wisdom, and their joy may be given in service to our congregation.
Members can recommend other members (or themselves) by filling out the form below.