
Whether you are exploring faith for the first time, wanting to reconnect with your faith, or searching for a church home, we welcome to Westminster all who seek to discover the significance and meaning of Jesus Christ in their lives.

Brahms Requiem 2024
Sundays at WPC

Worship with Us

On Sunday mornings, we gather together for worship, Christian formation, and fellowship. We invite you to join us in-person or to worship online.

8:30 AM Worship in the Chapel
11:00 AM Worship in the Sanctuary & Online


Sunday, March 2, 2025

Youth on a Mission Auction

A celebration to support youth mission trips and need-based scholarships, this special churchwide fellowship event will feature a Celtic theme in honor of our Northern Ireland/Scotland HS mission this summer, with heavy appetizers, a silent auction, a dynamic live auction, and entertainment. We are currently accepting item donations if you have something to offer, you are willing to ask a local business to donate, or you’d like to donate something together with friends. 

Register today! Friends in the community are also welcome.

Six people holding bags of apples stand in an apple orchard.

Upcoming Events

The latest happenings in the life of the church! Register for events, join a fellowship group, connect through Sunday Morning Formation, and more.
This week at WPC

Stewardship 2025

Make your pledge by January 26

God calls us to be responsible stewards of our time, talents and financial resources, all of which are critical to the worship, education, mission and fellowship at our church. We ask every church member to make a financial commitment to the work of Westminster. Your pledge is confidential.

Learn more

Capital Campaign

The Capital Campaign Steering Committee invites the congregation to a celebration in honor of achieving our goal of $12.4 million! We will recognize both the individuals and families whose generous gifts and pledges were part of our success and the volunteers whose time and efforts to visit everyone made our campaign possible.

Learn more